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Z E P H I R O was founded to fight and oppose not only the bias, discrimination and stigma against individuals who do not conform to the mainstream society-imposed gender and sexual norms, but also to combat the ‘normalization,’ blind social acceptance of oppressive patriarchal structures, male-dominance in the public discourse, and absolute marginalization and invisibility of any other individuals falling short of the ‘traditional’ male figure.



Z E P H I R O should be read as:


ZE   – main gender-neutral pronoun

P     – platform

HR  – human rights

HIR – another gender-neutral pronoun

O     – orientation



And the reason why we call Z E P H I R O a progressive platform, is because we not only work to fight inequality in a traditional sense (which mostly manifests as a campaigning for LGBT+ inclusion in the mainstream hetero-normative regime) but also we strive to challenge the very normativity of that same regime. We argue that we, as a society, would be so much better off if we did not privilege any genders or sexualities through various institutions and laws in any social contexts.


Of course, this is not an easy task, however, until every human being can enjoy their rights whatever their gender & sexual identity and expression is, we will continue with our efforts.


© 2015 by Z E P H I R O

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