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Z E P H I R O is a progressive civil society organization working to advance gender and sexual freedom of individuals through advocacy, litigation, research, education and culture. Z E P H I R O envisions a society in which all human beings are respected and not forced to live according to the oppressive gender and sexual paradigms.  We use our expertise in academic research, social and legal affairs, policy-making and culture to pursue legal interventions, strategic societal engagement and evidence-based policy-making in Lithuania, Eastern Europe, and beyond. We place a special emphasis on the empowerment and support of queer communities through the use of information technologies, therefore, we focus a lot on human rights in the context of Internet and other communication technologies. Our work, whether in national forums, educational establishments, local and international tribunals or administrative bodies, is built on a nuanced understanding of the relationship between human rights law, sociology, philosophy and currently prevalent societal constructions of normative gender and sexual roles.  

© 2015 by Z E P H I R O

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